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Your request to link to UniProt for Phospholipase D2

Target EnzymaticKineticITCArticlesDownloads
Primary IDUniProt Recommended NameSecondary IDsBindingDB NameKiIC50KdEC50koffkonLigProt
O14939Phospholipase D2I3L2C9 O43540 O43579 O43580 Q6PGR0 Q96BY3Phospholipase D203360000011
O14939Phospholipase D2I3L2C9 O43540 O43579 O43580 Q6PGR0 Q96BY3Phospholipase D203360000011
O14939Phospholipase D2I3L2C9 O43540 O43579 O43580 Q6PGR0 Q96BY3Phospholipase D203360000011
O14939Phospholipase D2I3L2C9 O43540 O43579 O43580 Q6PGR0 Q96BY3Phospholipase D203360000011